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CLI Reference

Once you've obtained an arti binary, you can use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to run various commands for configuration.

The Arti CLI commands support a number flags that can be used to configure the behavior of the command. If you are running Arti through cargo, the flags are specified using the format:

cargo run -p arti --all-features <subcommand> -- <flags>

Alternatively, if you have already compiled the binary, you can pass the flags directly to the arti command using:

target/debug/arti <subcommand> <flag>


helpPrint help information.
proxyRun Arti in SOCKS proxy mode, proxying connections through the Tor network.


-c,--config <FILE>Specify which config file(s) to read. Usually, Arti uses the default config. See the sample file, arti-config-example.toml, to create your own configuration file.
--disable-fs-permission-checksDon't check permissions on the files in use.
-h, --helpPrint help information.
-l, --log-levelOverride the log level (usually one of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error').
-o <KEY=VALUE>Override config file parameters, using TOML-like syntax.

Usage Examples

For example, the following command is used to launch Arti in SOCKS proxy mode with the default settings.

target/debug/arti proxy

To override the default settings, you can use the -o flag to specify the parameters you want to change. For example, the following command is used to launch Arti in SOCKS proxy mode with the default settings, but with the proxy.port parameter set to 9000.

target/debug/arti proxy -o proxy.socks_port=9000

This starts Arti in SOCKS proxy mode using default settings, listening on port 9000 instead of 9150.

Configuration File

The Arti CLI uses a configuration file to specify the parameters for the Arti instance. The default configuration file is arti.toml. You can override the default configuration file using the -c flag.

You can create your own configuration file by copying the sample file and modifying the parameters as needed. See the sample file arti-config-example.toml to create your own configuration file.